Tuesday 9 July 2013

Welcome to my experiment

Hi, I'm MedicMike this is my inaugural attempt at a blog.
Over the past 17 years or so I have amassed a large collection of Mordian Iron Guard, this blog aims to chronicle the collection, the construction and the painting of a regiment: The Mordian 19th. Since I am not particularly tech-savvy (this is my first ever blog post on my first ever blog) There will, undoubtedly, be hiccups along the way, pictures, posts and blog functionality might be limited until I get used to how things work.
First and foremost, you are entering part way through the raising of the regiment, I have collected and painted, (in some cases adequately, although my early work is pretty abysmal, but hey I was a kid) a huge number of Imperial Guard. My goal is to finish my regiment under the 5th edition codex, before the release of the rumoured 2014 6th edition codex. I haven't counted points in a long, long time, what I do know is I have sufficient Mordian troops to almost maximally fill out an entire force organisation chart.
I will be posting pictures of everything that is painted, everything that isn't painted, and the squads that fill out any gaps in the completed regiment. It is entirely possible that I may become side tracked along the way with other projects, but Mordians are my primary focus and passion to collect and paint. I am looking forward to showcasing the collection and putting some creative stuff out there for my first time.
Finally some blog rules: I welcome criticism, both constructive and less so, I am interested in discussion related to all things 40K. I am happy to take suggestions as to what other content people would like to see. I ask only that people keep discussion and language civil; no personal attacks, no profanity; nothing illegal. Remember this is my first go at this and I am very open to ideas related to content and design.
Thanks, I hope everyone enjoys the Mordian 19th
-MedicMike, July 9th 2013

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